6 October 2020

The timing of this series is accurate: in the recently published Climate Target Plan 2030 the Commission has brought the idea forward to increase the emissions reductions target from 40 % to 55 % compared with the levels of 1990. Also, Member States have until 30 June 2021 to transpose the Renewable Energy Directive, RED II, including the sustainability criteria for bioenergy, into their national legislations. CEPF and its members are committed to the implementation of these criteria.

In order to reach the 2030 target and to phase out the use of fossils, it is important to ensure the sustainable supply of woody biomaterial. From forest owner perspective this is best achieved by providing a stable decision-making environment for management operations. In this context, CEPF is of the views that RED II sustainability criteria should be first implemented, then evaluated, before making any decision to possibly revising these provisions.

Discussion in the workshop varied from country specific RED II implementation to the role of carbon in climate accounting. This showed that there are many dedicated operators and experts willing to make the RED II implementation up and running as soon as possible.

Check out other the workshops in this series and register here.

CEPF feedback on the European Commission Roadmap on the Renewable Energy Regulations can be found here