2 October 2024

The European Commission published on 02 October a proposal for a 12-month extension for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

Responding to feedback from international partners and European stakeholders, the proposed extension would delay the regulation’s application to December 2025 for large companies and June 2026 for micro- and small enterprises. The Commission emphasised that this phasing-in period will ensure smoother and more effective enforcement of the law, which aims to combat deforestation driven by EU market activities. Additionally, alongside the extension proposal, several documents were published the same day, aiming at clarifying EUDR implementation requirements. These documents include:

CEPF welcomes the extension, highlighting the challenges forest owners face in adapting to the regulation within the initial timeframe and will assess carefully all additional documents. CEPF’s joint statement on the Commission's proposal, reflecting the views of European forest owners, is available for download below.