20 May 2024

On 16 May 2024, CEPF participated in the PEFC Forest Forum 2024 which gathered nearly 200 participants, over 40 internal & external speakers and it focused on forest management amid the climate crisis. During the session "Regulations and Beyond: Delivering Impact on the Ground", CEPF Vice President, Luc Bouvarel, discussed the implications of recent European Commission legislation on forest management.

The PEFC Forest Forum 2024 was held on May 16 in Paris, France together with the celebration 25th anniversary of PEFC International. Organized by PEFC International and PEFC France, the forum gathered nearly 200 participants, over 40 internal & external speakers and it focused on forest management amid the climate crisis. It highlighted best practices in building forest resilience and sustainability, showcasing on-the-ground efforts that address the challenges and opportunities of adapting forests to a world that is 2°C warmer.

During the session "Regulations and Beyond: Delivering Impact on the Ground", five speakers discussed the future of forest policy, the advantages of forest certification for responsible businesses, and the necessity of aligning global demand-side expectations with those of forest owners.

luc at pefc
luc at pefc

CEPF was represented by its Vice President, Luc Bouvarel, who discussed the implications of recent European Commission legislation on forest management. He pointed out both the challenges and opportunities this legislation presents for forest owners.

Mr. Bouvarel emphasized the importance of collaboration, the recognition of PEFC certification, and the need to adapt legislation to local contexts. He stated, “We hope that PEFC certification remains simple and feasible, taking into account local specificity, so it can be chosen by as many owners as possible, supporting and reinforcing the accuracy of our actions in meeting society's expectations regarding forest and wood material.”

CEPF would like to warmly thank to PEFC for the invitation and to its Vice-President for the excellent representation at this important event!

For more information, visit: “Delivering impact on the ground – inspiring the future at PEFC’s Regulations and Beyond event”