18 July 2024

SUPERB Practical Knowledge questionnaire on restoration and biodiversity-friendly forest management practices is still open for contributions. It represents a great opportunity for restoration initiatives to be heard and seen and to learn about the success and failures from similar initiatives.

The SUPERB project (Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services) is a €20 million project funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the EU Green Deal.

As part of their research efforts, SUPERB team launched a SUPERB Practical Knowledge questionnaire (available languages: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, and), which is still open for contributions.

Superb questionnaire
Superb questionnaire

This questionnaire aims at gathering the widest range of practical restoration actions in Europe to learn from their success and challenges. By contributing, the participants will allow others to learn from their experiences, help determine what influences success in forest restoration and guide the effective and sensible implementation of the new Nature Restoration Law.

Under SUPERB, “forest restoration” is understood as any action or project that aims to improve the biodiversity, ecological integrity and provision of services in forest ecosystems. The data from this survey will be anonymized and when allowed by respondents, open access. It will allow us to get an overview of previous and ongoing restoration attempts. 

This is a great opportunity for restoration initiatives to be heard and seen and to learn about the success and failures from similar initiatives. 

Please join us and take a few moments to fill out this survey on restoration and biodiversity-friendly forest management practices and help improve forest restoration in Europe: SUPERB Practical Knowledge questionnaire