European primary producers and various industries welcome that the EU institutions agreed on securing a one-year postponement for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This postponement is much needed, to provide preparation time for all relevant stakeholders. In addition, we welcome the strong commitment from the European Commission to finalise the Country Benchmarking as soon as possible and no later than 30 June 2025 and the opening of the Information System where businesses will register their due diligence statements. Ensuring practical operability of these tools will be crucial in the coming months.
Furthermore, European primary producers and various industries acknowledge the European Commission’s commitments to provide further clarification, to explore additional simplifications, and to streamline reporting and documentation obligations, to keep them to a necessary minimum. The focus must shift now towards simplification and addressing the practical challenges associated with the EUDR’s implementation. Therefore, we call the Commission to ensure that these additional commitments will effectively address simplification concerns raised by European primary producers and associated industries.
We will continue to carefully review implementation conditionalities and remain committed to further dialogue to ensure workable solutions for all impacted sectors.
CEI-Bois – European Confederation of Woodworking Industries
CEPF – Confederation of European Forest Owners
Cepi – Confederation of European Paper Industries
Copa-Cogeca – European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives
ELO – European Landowners’ Organization
EOS – European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry
FEDIOL – European Federation of Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal Industry
FEFAC – European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation
UECBV - European Livestock and Meat Trading Union